Tony The Peg Stacker Dump Truck™


Build fine motor skills with this hard-working fine motor friend! 

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SKU: LER 9133 Categories: ,


Tony the Peg Stacker Dump Truck™ encourages little hands to grab and grow with tactile pieces made for active play. As children insert the barrel-shaped pegs into the correct holes on Tony’s truck bed lid, they build strength in thumb and forefinger, an ability they’ll need when they hold a pencil to write. The 9 barrels that come with this dump truck toy come in 3 colours, with 3 different shapes underneath (square, circle, triangle), to support learning about shapes and colours.

Meet Tony and his 9 colourful stacking barrels—they’re ready for preschool fine motor fun! Stack, match, and sort Tony’s barrels, then dump them out and start again.

  • When children play with Tony, they build the hand strength, coordination, and other preschool fine motor essentials through fun play.
  • As they roll Tony’s wheels or open and close his flip-up truck bed, kids can match colours, shapes, and numbers during imaginative learning adventures.
  • Includes Tony and his 9 colourful stacking barrels (10 pieces).



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