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Stargazing at Amiantos – 28/09/2019

Exact location:

As next Saturday (28/09/2019) we are going to have a new moon, we are organising an observation near Amiantos village (see the link above for the exact location). Through our telescopes, you’ll have the opportunity to observe various objects in the sky, such as planets, star clusters, galaxies and nebulas.

We will start at 18:30 and finish at 22:00.

We kindly ask you to come to the observation location on time. Due to the darkness, car lights can be very irritating for people already there. In addition, we are going to start the night with an interesting discussion about the objects we will be looking at.

A few things that will be nice to have:

  • Warm Clothes
  • Chair
  • Red flashlight
  • Snacks, water etc

Facebook Event:

For more information you can call us at: 25253580, 99787424, 99393968

Free entrance


Time Object Category
18:30 Discussion about the objects we’ll be observing  
19:00 Jupiter Planet
19:15 Saturn Planet
19:30 Albireo Double Star
19:45 Μ22 – Globular Cluster in Sagittarius Globular Cluster
20:00 Μ13 – The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Globular Cluster
20:15 Μ25 – Open Cluster in Sagittarius Open Cluster
20:30 Μ8 – Lagoon Nebula Cluster + Nebula
20:45 Μ16 – Eagle Nebula Cluster + Nebula
21:00 Μ57 – Ring Nebula Planetary Nebula
21:15 Μ31 – Andromeda Galaxy Spiral Galaxy
21:30 Μ33 – Triangulum Galaxy Spiral Galaxy
21:45 NGC869/NGC864 – Double Cluster Two Open Clusters
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